
Chemical Investigation for Antioxidant Property of Natural Extracts of Cinnamon, Black Pepper and Turmeric Using Singlet Oxygen

Dipti Soni, Surbhi Benjamin, Rakshit Ameta and Suresh C Ameta

Cinnamon, black pepper and turmeric are known for their antioxidant properties. In the present work, an attempt has been made to carry out a comparative study for their antioxidant property using photo-oxidation of thiourea by singlet oxygen as a probe. Thiourea was used as a substrate after recrystallization and sensitizer rose Bengal was used for generation of singlet oxygen. The effects of concentration and solvent on dye-sensitized photooxidation of thiourea has been investigated in presence of these extracts. The produced sulphur was considered as a measure of the extent of oxidative reaction. It was concluded that cinnamon extract was more effective as an antioxidant than black pepper and turmeric.

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Химическая реферативная служба (CAS)
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