
In-vitro And Pharmacological Evaluation of a Formulated Transdermal Film of 5-FU on EAC induced Tumors in Mice.

Anjan De, Subrata Chakraborty, Arup Mukherjee and Jayanta Chattopadhyay

5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is widely used as an anti-cancer drug, but causes severe side effects. Controlled release systems could be useful to keep the concentration of 5-FU at a low level, so that the side effects can be reduced. The purpose of this research study was to formulate transdermal film loaded with 5-Fluorouracil by solution casting method using ethyl cellulose, HPMC E15 and HPMC K4M in various combinations and to investigate the effect of different polymer on drug permeation and other physicochemical characteristics of the film. The in-vitro study using dialysis membrane was carried out and revealed that HPMC E15 can exhibit more sustained formulation than HPMC K4M. Further, pharmacological evaluation of the film was also investigated on EAC induced tumors in Swiss albino mice. The above in-vivo investigation showed highly significant inhibition of tumor volume, packed cell volume and viable tumor cell count with the simultaneous increase in percentage of non viable cell count and increase in life span in EAC bearing mice. The results thus revealed a positive response and support the promising antitumor effect of formulated 5-FU film.

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Химическая реферативная служба (CAS)
Индекс Коперника
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Библиотека электронных журналов
Университет Хамдарда
научный руководитель
Импакт-фактор Международного инновационного журнала (IIJIF)
Международный институт организованных исследований (I2OR)
Женевский фонд медицинского образования и исследований
Секретные лаборатории поисковых систем

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