
VLSI Implementation of FIR Filter for Discrete Wavelet Transform

Rashmi Patil, Dr.M.T.Kolte

Digital Signal processing ranks among the most demanding applications of digital design concepts. It is a mature technology domain wherein the demands for enhanced performance and resource utilization have risen exponentially over the years. Finite impulse response (FIR) filters are used in Digital Signal Processing applications.Accuracy in Filter Designing is based on the Multiplication and accumulation of filter coefficients. This paper describes an approach to the VLSI implementation of digital filter which is flexible and provides superior to traditional approaches,low power, and area efficient Discrete Wavelet Transform architecture.

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Космос ЕСЛИ
Университет Хамдарда
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Импакт-фактор Международного инновационного журнала (IIJIF)
Международный институт организованных исследований (I2OR)

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