
Unusual Morphological Variant of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar

Dr. Lakshmi Shetty, Dr. Supriya.M.Kheur, Dr. Samrat Sabhlok, Dr. Uday Londhe

Mandibular third molars have always been an enigma for oral and maxillofacial surgeon. This is a report of an unusual finding which has been one of its kind and hence named helicopter tooth–a new anatomical variant of third molar. The source of data for the review on variance of impacted mandibular third molar has been PubMed, Medline and all the research studies and published reports. Impacted mandibular third molar as presented in this report in a 28 year old male patient had an unusual interesting finding where the roots presented in a mesiodistal direction and resembled the blades of helicopter. The variance of its anatomy was a challenge for securing local anesthesia. This interesting presentation will certainly embark for a new discovery of anatomical change in impacted mandibular third molar.

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