
The Ruzizi River Water Management for the Ruzizi Congolese Plain Wise Farming, Livestock, Fishing and Fish Trusting Productivity, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Bashonga Bishobibiri Alexis1, Eric Sande2*, Charles Kahindo3, Majaliwa Mwanjololo Jean Gilbert4, Gaspard Ntakimazi5, Claver Sibomana5

The Ruzizi river waters management follows from our investigations in 2010-2011 in the case of our master's thesis in environment and natural resources on the theme: "The Importance of Ruzizi Congolese Plain, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo for the Conservation of Birds” and 2019-2021 as part of our doctoral thesis on the theme: “The Significance of Ruzizi Delta: Rusizi Burundian Delta and Ruzizi Congolese Delta, in the African Great Lakes Region for the Conservation of Birdsʺ. These investigations aim to raise the awareness of local, territorial, provincial and national Congolese decision-makers for the creation of a protected area meeting the Ramsar criteria in the Ruzizi Congolese plain/Ruzizi Congolese Delta, for the sustainable conservation of birds and biodiversity. This article informs that the thoughtful partial channelling of part of the waters of the Ruzizi river for irrigation, the creation of fish ponds and pastures away from the 50 m free from river banks, would lead to sustainable agricultural, ichthyologic and dairy productivity in the Ruzizi Congolese plain/Ruzizi Congolese Delta.

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