
Suicide in nurses identified contributing factors and suicide prevention

Gemma Clay   

Suicide remains one of the highest causes of death in the UK and nearly one million people die from suicide every year, for one suicide equals to 20-25 suicide attempts and are therefore considered a public health con­cern. Data indicates that compared to other occupations, suicide among doctors and nurses is above national average around the world, author conducted a literature review to establish why. Health professionals are not immune from developing mental illness and dying from suicide. Contributing factors to suicide are depression and existing mental health problems, access and knowledge of medication, not accessing support for mental health as fear of referral to professional bodies for fitness to practice. Workplaces are working to improve men­tal health within the work place and many are training in suicide prevention such as; mental health first aid training to ensure their line managers are confident in starting conversations with supporting staff who have problems with mental health. She will talk about a real life story of a nurse who attempted suicide and got re­ferred to the NMC and explain to the nurses it was not the end of her career, she is successful and got the help she required. It is an important message she have to nurses who suffer burnout and workplace stress and have problems linked to their mental health, that it is ok not to be ok. She will also explain how they can help their colleagues if their colleagues are in crisis and need help.