
Role of Ethanolic Extract of Bauhinia purpurea Leaves on Ameliora- tion of Hyperthyroidism in LT4 Induced Female Albino wistar Rats

Revathy R Nair, Litty Joseph and Rahees T

Ethanolic extract of Bauhinia purpurea leaves was evaluated for its possible ameliorative effect in the regulation of hyperthyroidism in Albino wistar rat model. Serum triiodothyronine (T ), thyroxine (T ) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations were considered as the end parameters of thyroid function in the study. Histopathological study of thyroid gland was also performed. LT administration (0.5 mg/kg/d for 12 days) as an inducing agent increased the levels of serum T , T with a concomitant decline in TSH 3 4 levels. However, simultaneous administration of the EEBP (100 mg/kg, 150 mg/kg 12-30th day) to the LT induced hyperthyroid animals reversed all these effects indicating their potential in the regulation of hyperthyroidism. PTU (10 mg/kg, 12-30th day) was administered as standard drug. PTU is selected as the standard drug in the light of many anti-thyroidic studies done. When relative efficacy was compared with that of propyl thiouracil (PTU), a standard antithyroidic drug, experimental B. purpurea extract appeared to be comparable. Furthermore histopathological analysis confirmed the result obtained.

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