G.Venkatesh, O.Sudhakar
A new very large scale integration (VLSI) algorithm for a 2π-length discrete Hartley transform (DHT) that can be efficiently implemented on a highly modular and parallel VLSI architecture having a regular structure is presented. In the proposed method multiply the multipliers by using array multiplier and to add the co-efficients by using Carry Look-ahead Adder (CLA). In the proposed system we are reducing the area by using the array multiplier and Carry Look-ahead Adder (CLA). The DHT algorithm can be efficiently split on several parallel parts that can be executed concurrently. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is well suited for the sub expression sharing techniques that can be used to significantly reduce the hardware complexity of the highly parallel VLSI implementation. Using the advantages of the proposed algorithm and the fact that we can efficiently share the multipliers with the same constant, the number of the multipliers has been significantly reduced such that the number of multipliers is very small comparing with that of the existing algorithms. Moreover, the multipliers with a constant can be efficiently implemented in VLSI.