
Importance of the Pharmacological Synergism in Modern Concept of Anti-Ischemic Therapy

I.A. Zupanets1*, S.K. Shebeko2

Nowadays, the increase of therapy efficacy of ischemic conditions in cardiology and neurology is one of the top trends in clinical, pharmaceutical and pharmacological studies on a global scale. In this article the issues of anti-ischemic therapy optimization by the example of the combined use of precursors and carnitine analogues – trimethylhydrasine propionate (TMHP) and γ-butyrobetaine (GBB) are reviewed. The pharmacodynamic advantages of this combined use are characterized by the occurrence of the synergistic phenomenon in the form of a mutual potentiation of its effects. TMHP is a famous cardio- and neuroprotector; in the binary mechanism of its action the metabolic component is more significant than vasodilatation one and its combination with GBB makes up for this shortcoming. Adding GBB, on the background of inhibiting its conversion into carnitine under the impact of TMHP, leads to its quick accumulation in the ischemic tissues, to reinforcement of nitrogen oxide synthesis and to vasodilatation high-speed development of, which, in turn, substantially enhances the pharmacodynamic metabolic component of the given combination. The present concept has underlaid the development of the original regulator of the vascular endothelial function − the drug "Capicor", which has unified the advantages of metabolic and endothelial cytoprotector TMHP, as well as endothelial corrector of GBB