
Hepatitis B

Muhammad Tasleem

Hepatitis B is a virus that belongs to the human liver and is already present in the liver. Hepatitis ‘B’ is not a contagious disease and by eating the patient's false things this disease does not appear to any other human. The taste of this virus was dry and cold. Because of the warm temperament of eating things the virus of the B. dry is hot beef, chicken, spices, Roast, heavy oil fried in large quantity eating reason cause of malaria or typhoid fever suppression change the mood of the B virus become active. . 1. Therefore, after finds out right side of the liver inflammation causes itching and the white spots of selenium metal fall. (As figure 1) 2. As well as fatty liver increases. Therefore, blood inside the liver due to the formation of blood clots due to narrowed blood vessels liver inflammation increases the calorie spreads to the bladder. (as figure no. 2) for the same reason some patients liver destroy and cause death happens. 3. The eyes will be white curtains start to weaken the region’s eyes are beginning to explode become pale and wrinkles on the face prematurely like a 70% year old man and because of the weakness of the heart beat is herd in the ears. 4. Instrumental penis and testicles shrink and the production of the substance also decrease in quantity. It is for information that 60%of men in reaction of germs dies due to yellowish and production of the substance. Note: After treatment of hepatitis B. PCR Quantided and Screening test would become negative. The patient after complete treatment can transfer his blood to other people. Time duration for this treatment is 90 days.