
Bacterial Contamination of Newborn Incubator for delivery in Al-Zahraa teaching hospital in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf province


The main pathways for acquiring newborn infection are airborne transmission; direct contact from colonized person or via physical transmission from inanimate objects such as transducers, thermometer, stethoscopes, manometer, section catheters and contaminated fluids. Our study involves the detection of bacterial contamination of newborn incubator. We collected one hundred swab samples from plastic hole, respiration tubes, patient��?s bed, floor of incubator and air pores of newborn incubator. The swabs were streaked on suitable media and incubated at 37 0C for 18-24 hours. The observed bacteria were identified by morphological and biochemical characters. The results showed that [45%] of isolates give positive bacterial growth versus [55%] give negative bacterial growth. The result indicated that the Staphylococcus aureus was the most predominant bacteria that contaminated the newborn incubator detected in 20% isolates followed by Staphylococcus saprophytic detected in 14% isolates.

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Космос ЕСЛИ
Университет Хамдарда
Всемирный каталог научных журналов
научный руководитель
Импакт-фактор Международного инновационного журнала (IIJIF)
Международный институт организованных исследований (I2OR)

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