
A correlational Study of the Functional Utility of Students��? Furniture in Senior High Schools in Ghana

Ernest Boampong, Bernard Effah

This study on ergonomic impact of furniture design on the health of students was necessitated by the need to look into the health problems posed to students by furniture used in the classroom, its compatibility to users and the number of movements students make in the furniture. Systematic random sampling method was used to choose a sample of 120 students from a population of 482 students. The subjective evaluation of the health problem of the students was made by questionnaire and structured observation techniques. Students selected were given questionnaire to obtain information on their background, back pain, discomfort/complaints and satisfaction with classroom furniture. In using correlation and regression analysis in the study, there was significant association of the backrest shape as a cause of upper back pain at 0.182** (5%). There was also a significant association between students feeling neck pain when sitting on mono-desk at 0.344*** (10%) and other related musculoskeletal disorders. Students recommended for furniture with broad seat, clearance space for thighs and legs in order for them to feel comfortable in the classroom when they sit in the mono-desk.

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Академические ключи
Космос ЕСЛИ
Университет Хамдарда
Всемирный каталог научных журналов
научный руководитель
Импакт-фактор Международного инновационного журнала (IIJIF)
Международный институт организованных исследований (I2OR)

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